“I highly recommend Wayne Facer as “THE go to guy” for anything to do with school financial management, Banked Staffing, school budgets etc. Wayne is a very experienced, former principal. He has walked in your shoes and can be counted upon to give good, honest, practical advice and guidance. He also gives an excellent follow-up service.”
Steve Hayward – 34+ years as a principal.
I have worked alongside Wayne for a number of years and find his service [online and face to face] invaluable when it comes to the efficient and effective management of banked staffing at our school. I used to manage this myself but have found the amount of time now released for me to concentrate on things curriculum has meant that paying for Wayne’s services has been a win-win scenario. I would highly recommend Wayne’s services.
Stay well, stay safe, and be kind.
Ngā mihi
Jonathan Ramsay
MEd (Hons), MEdLead, PGDipEd, GradDipTchg (Primary), BPlan
MEd (Hons), MEdLead, PGDipEd, GradDipTchg (Primary), BPlan
Principal | Tumuaki
Edendale Primary School (Auckland)
“Over the last two years as a new Principal, I have really benefited from using Wayne’s expertise to help me understand the intricacies of how to manage staffing.
Banked staffing was something I did not know much about and Wayne has been more than happy to come out to school and help with this. This knowledge does not become second nature all in one visit. He is only a phone call away and happy to answer any queries.”
Ngå mihi nui
Sue Kubala
St Mary’s Catholic School
I have found the awhi and manaakitanga Wayne has provided to me to be invaluable. When I began as a Beginning Principal having someone to support me understand bank staffing and be a sounding board for decision making, related to this, was a fantastic option. I was able to use it as PLD and a way of growing my confidence and skill in understanding this element of financial and staffing management. Wayne has been an easy person to talk to; readily available to support and has provided updates as and when needed. This ease of relationship also make him a good option for the Board of Trustees to use to support an external Principal Appraisal process. I can’t thank Wayne enough for the ongoing support he has provided.
Katrina Robertson, Bathgate Park Principal. Dunedin